The month of October, here in Canada at least, you think of colour. The trees are turning, it gets darker earlier so we see beautiful sunsets more, added to the sunrises and sunsets the seasons are changing which creates more dramatic cloud formations, the crisp nights yet the beautiful days...all in all October is an amazing month! One thing I have been noticing is: in the morning you have a beautiful layer of blueish frost on the lush green grass and the warm orange hue of the sunrise and sunbeams; you have a striking contrast in "white balance" (as we photographers like calling the hue of light) yet there is perfect beauty and harmony in all the colours! (Sorry, I don't yet have a photo to capture what I just described...maybe in the future.)
Well, October's photography project was on the subject of capturing colour by using rules. (e.g. rule of thirds, leading lines, etc.) I tried to put these into practice, but like always, I'm sure I could have improved! So below are my five shots of the month. Enjoy. Comment. Critique.