
What Makes A Beacon Photo


You can tell when someone sincerely enjoys what they do by the outcome and product they produce. Their personality and perspective permeates everything that flows from them. Whether or not they intend to, it just comes naturally. So here I'll give you a little window as to what makes up a Beacon photo.

Well, First of all, I must thank and give all the credit to the Lord Who has given me this gift! He has given the ability to learn, improve, and share what He has bountifully provided!

Secondly, I must thank my parents for spotting out, honing in on, and encouraging me to develop and build upon this gift of creativity.

Thirdly, so much thanks and credit must go to Jim Harmer, my talented teacher, along with his sweet wife (who helps him behind-the-scenes), and his entire team at Improve Photography, where they provide a wealth of information that helps the every-day hobbyist photographer even to the most professional to improve their photography. Everything is in down-to-earth language which makes it easy to follow and quick to learn from. They have affordable online courses which are self paced within a thirty-day allotment. They also offer free podcasts with anything photography on them, including Q and A’s. Improve Photography is a must for those wishing to learn photography! Much credit must also go to my personal mentor, coach, fellow photographer, and friend Liz Heikoop. And also the talented Kate Pennings: I was privileged to be her assistant shooter at a friends wedding back in October 2015.

Last, but not Least: much thanks must go to my sibling, friends, and all those who have been willing to allow me to learn on them. Whether it be a sibling standing outside in -30C temperatures for an experimental photo shoot, or a dear friend who asked me to shoot their daughter’s reception even though I’d never done such a thing before (if you’re a photographer you’d know full well what I mean … right?). I am so thankful for these opportunities because they are what stretches me to grow and improve! You all are a blessing!

Well, I don’t know what I would describe my style as, but I’ll share what I enjoy:

  • the outdoors and all that it entails - including storms, natural and manipulated light
  • little things that aren’t generally noticed - including precious moments
  • portraying food in a mouth watering and captivating way
  • the challenge of capturing wildlife
  • detail, accuracy, genuine, clean
  • using angles, curves, contrast, and colors to capture stunning beauty
  • making images portray what is actually seen with the eye, and the emotions that are felt
  • getting to know the person's character so to portray it accurately
  • quality yet affordable equipment
  • my family!
  • most of all - to lift ones eyes up to The Creator!