Aren't we always learning?
Yup, each of us is in a life-long school. Sometimes learning comes hard and is painful, sometimes it is easy and enjoyable. But no matter which way we learn, it always takes work and always stretches you.
A few weeks ago, while in a conversation with a sister she asked if I knew anyone who would be willing to film at her wedding. Thinking for a moment no-one came to mind, so I told her I would do it for her. ......(gulp)...... What did I just say?!? I had NEVER filmed in my entire photography journey up until this point! Why was I offering to do something I'd never done before, and that especially for her special day?
Over the past while I had been toying with the idea of learning videography and adding that to my skill set. Now with her asking, it was the push I needed to jump with two feet into it! (Thank-you so much, Anneliese, I needed that little shove!) So, I feverishly rolled up my sleeves and dove right into research; asking friends, who film, any question I had (including a professional wedding videographer); getting the proper gear; and preparing myself for that big day! I am so indebted to those who offered their guidance and knowledge, and could not have done it without them!
So, Friday July 14th was the big special day! Gerwin and Anneliese Van Deelen are now husband and wife!!! The day went very well and was a blast! It was so nice to come together especially as two families, and also with so many friends.
What a special treasure it was to be a part of your special day Gerwin and Anneliese! Though I can't say the filming went perfectly, I learned so much and am very thankful for the opportunity you gave me to "cut my teeth" on your wedding! Thank-you so much! I love you both very much!