
Glass Blowing...

While in Holland, we had the privilege of visiting a glass blowing studio. There we learned how the glass is heated to extreme temperatures; how it is worked with to achieve the artisan's desired effect; how color is added; how different shapes are made - molding, blowing, etc.; the cooling and curing process; etc. It was a very educational and enjoyable outing!

This man is considered a master in his profession since he has been working with glass for over forty years! He has great talent and his work is amazing! In this photo he is in the process of making a tea-light candle holder. When the picture was taken, he was just finished gathering the proper amount of molten glass for the final product. He continues spinning the rod that the glass is on to keep it in an even formation. He then takes these wetted papers to smooth it - but he isn’t finished with it yet.

This man is considered a master in his profession since he has been working with glass for over forty years! He has great talent and his work is amazing! In this photo he is in the process of making a tea-light candle holder. When the picture was taken, he was just finished gathering the proper amount of molten glass for the final product. He continues spinning the rod that the glass is on to keep it in an even formation. He then takes these wetted papers to smooth it - but he isn’t finished with it yet.

Here is a closer look at some of his tools: the papers that he wets and uses to smooth the glass; a funnel blower to make for fine adjustments in blown products; a tool for defining edges and making the brake-off point; a pail of water; etc.

Here is a closer look at some of his tools: the papers that he wets and uses to smooth the glass; a funnel blower to make for fine adjustments in blown products; a tool for defining edges and making the brake-off point; a pail of water; etc.

Note: I'll be adding more photos and their explanations to this post soon, so keep an eye out for them.

Back in the Business...

Well, my family and I made it back from our little adventure refreshed and blessed! Our days were packed yet very enjoyable! We couldn't have asked for nicer weather: with the average temperature being about 22 degrees C, we had sun almost every day somewhere along the way, and when it rained (with the exception of the first Monday) we were travelling in the van!

WindMill Night Light

Our accommodation, home away from home, was the best you could ask for when staying in the Veluwe: situated in the middle of the Netherlands, in the midst of bushes, farms, and heather fields, with a restored Windmill just down the road, a hardware store, grocery store, and other little shops just a short bike-ride away! Our hosts were amazing, very friendly and hospitable people; we very quickly developed a friendship with them! During any free moment we enjoyed visiting with them.

It was a pleasure spending time with Papa's Aunts and Cousins, some us kids met for the first time.

We also spent a lot of time with Pake's best friend from the military and his wife - they were the driving factor for us going! We went to church with them, went shopping, toured a couple towns, went to a glassblowing exhibit, went on a dinner cruise, spent time visiting, laughing, and eating, etc.! They made our stay very enjoyable!! It was hard to say "goodbye".

Another major highlight to our trip was a family my siblings and I made fast friends with on our former trip to the Netherlands, since then our friendship has and continues to grow! The recent time we shared together drew us closer than ever before - the only problem is that thousands of kilometres now spread us apart! We visited, cleaned the church with them, they translated the sermons on sunday so we could understand, us kids went to their school and helped the students practice their english, and we visited some more, it was so hard to part!


At the end of each day it was so refreshing to come back to little home, it was amazing how fast it became home to us! We all did not want to leave for the airport when we had to - it so felt like we were leaving more than half of ourselves behind! We extremely enjoyed our time spent in the Netherlands and were spiritually blessed and refreshed!!! We thank the Lord for His gift of this vacation and everything it entailed - for without His provision and all He is, it would never have been! May He be praised, exalted, and glorified!